
What is Trezor one?

TREZOR One is a small, key-sized device which connects to your computer with a USB cable. The Trezor One supports about 1,800 coins and tokens. It stores your Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash, Ripple (XRP), Cardano (ADA), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Monero, Zcash and other different cryptocurrency private keys offline and signs transactions.

What is a Trezor model one cold storage wallet?

Trezor Model One cold storage wallets are designed to keep your coins safe and build your confidence when managing crypto assets. Store and protect your keys, passwords, financial information, and other sensitive data securely on the world’s first crypto hardware wallet. Buy, sell, and trade coins with complete confidence.

How many coins and tokens does Trezor one support?

The Trezor One supports about 1,800 coins and tokens. It stores your Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash, Ripple (XRP), Cardano (ADA), Ethereum Classic (ETC), Monero, Zcash and other different cryptocurrency private keys offline and signs transactions. It can be safely used on a malware infected computer.

Is the Trezor one (Satoshi labs) a 'hack proof' wallet?

The company behind the TREZOR One (Satoshi Labs) is considered a pioneer in the Bitcoin industry. Additional security measures such as PIN codes and passphrases make this hardware wallet as close to “hack proof” as you can get. If you want a detailed review about the TREZOR One keep on reading.

